Arts & Crafts work, Lighting
Dr. Korakot Aromdee
Adresse directions
335 moo 10 Banlaem, 76110 Petchaburi, Thailand

Produkte - SHOP

Flat Bamboo Lamp
€600,00 EUR
Bamboo Cage L
€240,00 EUR
Colorful Lampion L
€564,00 EUR
Net design Lamp
€180,00 EUR

How it all started

I founded Korakot International Limited Partnership on December 29, 2006. It was after I had received several orders. I started off with training 10 workers in order to provide them with steady income and career opportunity in the community. I usually have my university friends help me come up with new ideas for new creations which can be divided into 3 groups: (1) sculpture; (2) sculpture and architectural construction and (3) products.

My inspiration comes from the environment which I have changed into works of art with the use of natural materials, such as bamboos and hemp ropes. The techniques have been adopted from kite-making that I had learned from my grandfather who is an expert on Chula kite. I have added functions into it so that my works are suitable for decorating homes and buildings today.

Through every piece, I feel that I have promoted simple techniques discovered by Thai people to the higher level with designs inspired by the surroundings in this local area. I create my pieces of work. I offer career opportunity for the locals and by doing so the community will be strengthened and finally be able to improve its capability. The product value will bring about national income which will later reach to the hands of the locals.

After graduating from the Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University, I have been so passionate about design because of its capability. Besides providing me with personal income, it results in the higher income of the locals. They can look after themselves as well as their families. In addition, it also maintains the Thai identities and uniqueness. Nowadays, I can help 60 people and I will continue to help more people. Design can better the society if we make good use of it.

Our Material

I have chosen Seesuk bamboo because of its flexibility and it has to be at least 3 years old. The techniques are adopted from kite-making techniques and the structure construction follows that of woven works. In the creation of my art works, latex and ropes are mainly used and later the works are coated by wood preservative.

Our Mission

My works represent the local techniques and Thai culture. Colors and designs have been added in order to make it suitable for modern-styled decoration. On solid wall, my pieces of work will soften the atmosphere in a square room.

Meisterstrasse Selection DEmark Award Made in Thailand



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