MEISTERSTRASSE_Martin Rohla_Martin_Rohla
»In my opinion, craftsmanship will have a brilliant future.«

Martin Rohla


Martin Rohla is a thriving entrepreneur, investor and organic farmer. As a licensed management consultant, he founded and sold diverse businesses of different branches, f.e. the EDP sector, the real estate industry, but also pharmacies and health centers.

As a founder of Goodshares Ltd he holds shares in more than 25 mostly sustainably operating companies. With Goodshares Consulting, established in 2019, Martin’s focus lies on advising Start-Ups having a sustainable as well as a social effect in society.

From Ernst & Young he was awarded “Enterpreneur of the Year” for his project “Habibi & Hawara” in the category “Social Entrepreneur” in 2019.

Since 2016 Martin is one of the few Austrian partners of the European Angels Fund of the European Commission.

Which role does craftsmanship play in your personal life?
Especially because I’m manually completely ungifted, I’m all the more fascinated by craftsmanship. I’m particularly enthusiastic about century old craft skills passed on to today’s world.

Which crafts sector fascinates you the most?
Everything dealing with wood or leather.

Do you believe in a future of craftsmanship? What could it look like? 
In my opinion, craftsmanship will have a brilliant future. I’m convinced that future consumers will be attracted by sustainable products and services as well as by objects passionately made by hand.

Tradition or innovation – what do you consider more important?
That is nothing one should have to make up one’s mind. Tradition is not worshipping the ashes but passing on fire.  

How important are networks and platforms like MEISTERSTRASSE today?
They have a very high relevance, because small companies are in a need of a diligent and affectionate attentiveness to being noticed in times of perpetual overkill of social media.

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Gmundner Keramik
Keramikstraße 24
4810 Gmunden
Galloway-Ranch Gaisbuchen
Gaisbuchen 1
4723 Natternbach
Biohof Labonca
Hauptplatz 6
8291 Burgau
Kunststopferei Pavlovsky
Franz Skribany-Gasse 2/1/30
2340 Mödling